Friday, June 20, 2008

I Think This Borders On The Dumbest Thing Ever - Part 1,000,000

Please do me the favor of checking this out.

A Wonderful eBay Auction

With that, lets go over the list:

Puposefully butchered card - check
Misspellings galore - check
The phrase "true collector" - check
Making it painfully obvious that this auction is a statement - check
A resulting Joe Collector moment - check

Just for the people keeping score at home, if you want to be cute and make fun of fake patches, fine, go ahead. Yet, when you decide that you are going to be sneaky, at least do it well. This "joke auction" is a borderline special olympics joke its so bad. In fact, here is what I expect was going through this Joe Collector's mind as he was creating this abortion:

Dude, this is so freaking SICK! Those bastards are going to hate me so much for putting together this awesome auction. Maybe they should have thought of that before selling me that fake Brett Favre logo patch that was displayed above my bed until someone on Beckett told me I was an idiot for buying it. God! I am so mother effing brilliant that I dont even know it!

....Now, back to looking at porn. Ooo, Jenna Jameson!! HOTTEST WOMAN EVER!!

I think I need a Joe Collector label graphic to post for when people act a fool. I will be eternally grateful if someone with photoshop skills could make one.


  1. I didn't have a problem with the auction. He clearly labled it a fake if the laughable photo didn't convince anybody. He was clearly making a statement that I happen to agree with.

  2. I didn't have a problem with the Fidel Castro card to be honest. I thought that Topps had some serious balls even putting him IN the set to begin with, and the guy who pulled it sold it to the guy who defaced it, he didn't deface it himself.

    That being said, occasionally sports news crosses over into the realm of real news, and in this case, the real news is that Topps pulled a major boneheaded move. Sure it's ONE card, but it's the thinking behind that card that gets dangerous. As many others have speculated, what if Topps decides to put in cut-sigs of other famous, but evil people?

    As a publically traded company, Topps has a responsibility to it's shareholders, likely they had no clue about this one-card before the auction and the subsequent hub-bub. Next time they try something stupid like this, they'll think twice, lest we get an Idi-Amin cut sig or worse.

    The fake auction didn't bother me as such, since it's clearly stated as a fake, but yes, the execution of said idea is pretty lame. Then again, so is 99% of the rhetoric that sellers use to try to get people to buy their eBay items. I can't stand how EVERYONE uses "Rare" when something isn't rare at all. Or worse, how "this item is a MUST-HAVE for all 'xyz' collectors. That's just plain bull-shit. If I'm an 'xyz' collector then I'll determine what is and what isn't a must have.

  3. I have to agree with geoman! I almost want to bid on it it's so bad. truely gave me a great laugh at the end of a long work day!!

  4. I didn't have a problem with the Castro card either or any card like it. It's not like Hitler is getting paid for the card or Castro for that matter.

  5. Oh, yeah. Agree with that. Sorry, I tangentalize a lot.

  6. Great autction, I love the tape holding the logo on the card. or the 1/1 written on the card. Gotta love the name of the business: BS Collectibles!

  7. Wow, you guys act like you have never seen auctions like this before. At least the others were done much better and were much more funny. The guy who did these is fucking stupid.

    Im suprised that you guys think this is the best thing since sliced bread. You really need to see the auctions like this that were executed with much more hillarity. For shame.

  8. Gellman I don't think it's the best thing ever. I don't hate it either.

  9. Noetling,

    Not trying to be a douchebag but I wanted to point out a misstatement in your original comment: Topps is not a publicly traded company anymore. Therefore, they can screw us at will and only have to answer to themselves.


    Your blog rocks dude, but take yourself a couple Valium and chill out on this one. If this tool finds it entertaining and informative to do these kind of auctions, let them be. After all, I think they made it apparent in the auction title that it was a goof.

    Also, by blogging on it you have probably created an even bigger headache for yourself, because other attention-starved dipshits will probably emulate the auction to a less successful (or amusing) degree.

  10. Noetling,

    Not trying to be a douchebag but I wanted to point out a misstatement in your original comment: Topps is not a publicly traded company anymore. Therefore, they can screw us at will and only have to answer to themselves.


    Your blog rocks dude, but take yourself a couple Valium and chill out on this one. If this tool finds it entertaining and informative to do these kind of auctions, let them be. After all, I think they made it apparent in the auction title that it was a goof.

    Also, by blogging on it you have probably created an even bigger headache for yourself, because other attention-starved dipshits will probably emulate the auction to a less successful (and funny) degree.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
