I have received many requests for advertising space on the site. Currently I have a deal with Yardbarker that provides revenue based on number of visitors. If you would like to make me a better offer, please refer to the info below, first.
1. I will look at advertising offers as long as they are greater than or equal to the existing deal I have in place. Otherwise, I will pass.
2. I will not accept advertising offers from online casinos or sports betting websites.
3. If you are in the sports card industry and would like ad space, I will offer a plug on the blog or a small icon based on any offer you have. Price will be negotiated.
4. If you fall under number three, content will not change based on our deal. I will not give favorable coverage because you are advertising on the site.
5. There is no set pricing structure, so please do not send me multiple emails asking for it.
6. All communication will be done via email at sportscardsuncensored@gmail.com