Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Revenge Of The Panini: Brett Favre Is Coming To Threads, Star Wars Cons Across The USA

Today our favorite grilled sandwich card company has announced that Brett Favre's first uniformed Vikings card will be in the retail version of Threads. It will be hitting stores like Target and Wal Mart, which makes the Threads blasters that much more likely to sell, but leaves hobby collectors to wait until Absolute or later.

There is one problem though. It looks like this:

Yes, he is wearing his Vikings gear from last week's preseason game, but the card looks like Panini took a Storm Trooper costume, a referee's shirt and a zebra hide, put it in a blender, and then used the extract to paint by number. What a busy fucking design.


  1. I bought a box of this today, and would be happy to scan it for you if you'd like to do a review.

    Contrary to what you believe, the entire set doesn't look like shit.

  2. I dont think the whole set will be crap, but the base set definitely looks ridiculous.

  3. It's Not UD, he hates it. If it were UD Threads, he would be all like "Wow, what a futuristic design, Upper Deck's really stepping up this year". Blah, blah, blah same shit different day.

  4. The gridiron kings look great, especially the ones with little mounted frames. They're actually one of the best looking cards i've seen this year. Of course the logo-branding detracts, but all the companies seem to pull that crap.

    The Horizontal line looks weird on most cards, but it's perfectly placed for relics and stuff.

  5. It does have a lot going on but I think they deserve a lot of credit for using a game photo. Not an air brushed photo or a practice photo.

  6. Ryan, please enlighten us to the positive attributes of such a 'futuristic' design. We get 'futuristic' with Leaf Limited, Leaf Certified and Donruss Elite. Why would they think that there is a shortage of such designs? It's lazy. Plain and simple.

  7. A possible Favre to Childress overheard quote this season:
    "Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans, and bring me the passengers - I want them alive!"

    The design is fitting, Favre does own a droid, after all.

  8. Why is it so bad that Favre is in his preseason uniform? That's better than Photoshop.

  9. His preseason uni is not the problem, its the design.

  10. Ryan, let me get this straight. You agree with Gellman that the base card design stinks, but you felt the need to come here and spout unqualified hypotheticals? Really? That's what you have time to do?

    So whatever Gellman writes, he should expect you to come on here and criticize regardless of whether or not you agree with it? That is a colossal waste of time. I hope you realize that.

    And since you somehow find the time to make these posts in the midst of submitting all of those Insert articles to Pulitzer, please take the time to enter someone's full name. I mean, if your time is so hurried that you have to shorten Voluntarheel to 'VH', then maybe you should give second thought to your priorities.

    Oh, and if Gellman and I have a 'bromance' as you put it, then you are certainly the Gerbil scratching around Beckett's rectal cavity. Cheer up, I think Hackler just ate at Taco Bell.
