Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thus Completing My Peterson Purchasing For 2009

Barring an act of god or another set producing win, im done buying All Day autos for 2009. My Exquisite auto came in today, and I must say that I am pleased. It could have been smeared, it could have gone off the card, but all in all, its pretty nice. Its up next to my other Exquisite from 2007, and will remain there until I decide that AD is not my player of choice anymore. 

Funny enough, the scan is AWFUL, so bare that in mind, and the card itself has a nice gold border on the side of it. Pretty cool.


  1. Thats A good looking card! Are there just not any sets you anticipate coing out that are worth buying or chasing an AP auto? That does'nt say much for the 09' pruducts : ( . That's alright being a seahawks fan there are very few if any auto's I want or that are gonna be in products anyway. ( depending on the draft picks or R/C's or possibly there latest WR addition. Grant

  2. Wow, that is an awesome looking auto. I wish I had a collection of Grady Sozemore like yours of AD, but baseball, as you've pointed out numerous times, is a completely different animal.

    But, I don't believe for a second that you're done buying AD's for the rest of the year in March!

  3. That is a nice auto. Any auto Game Used Letters out there?

  4. Wow, talk about condensing the signature.

  5. Nice redemption win. Glad to see them come through on that one. I also kinda dig his new signature. Don't know why, I just do.

  6. Heel I think I am starting to feel the same way. I dont know why either.

  7. I've got a Portis from the same set and really like mine as well. However, I disagree with you about the border. I feel that it looks kind of tacky, more of a yellow color than gold. Also, the front and back portions of the border are white.

    Just a note, my auto is slightly messed up as well. Something tells me that the pen they used was just harder to sign with than the standard sharpie.
