Friday, October 24, 2008

My Hatred For Beckett Rivals My Hatred For Keenan Thompson's Characters On SNL

Over the last few weeks, Beckett has been trying to promote their give away of another card that most people would consider a pretty awesome pull. Right now, they want you to write a review or say something about the economy, some shit like that, and you will have the chance to win a low numbered Adrian Peterson Score Select rookie auto. Now, its not the DiMaggio cut they pulled, but it begs a really important question. I know Donruss, Topps, and Upper Deck still sends them free boxes to bust, though I know UD has either stopped this practice or told them not to do it publicly - which makes me wonder, what kind of shit do they have piled up back in their "vault?"

Really people, why are we standing around and letting this happen? Rotting animal dung like this should not be receiving anything, let alone free product. I have laid off this topic for a while, but I am gathering my rage all over again. Not only does this distort the product odds, but it also takes big hits out of circulation and gives them to people who dont deserve them.

I recently found out that some product giveaways are absolute necessities (like the boxes that go to the NFL to use their license), but giving shit to beckett is far from a necessity now. We still havent forgotten the awful events that happened last year, and I wont stand for this fucking awful practices. Maybe, just maybe, if the people in charge over there weren't fucking bastardized sewer rats, I would go about this in a much nicer way. Yet, every single time an issue like this is brought up, they treat us like fucking children with their stupid articles about how much people love them.

In fact, fucking Hackler still stands by the assertion that only "a few people" dont like the practices Beckett employs, and I encourage you guys to take a stand, because I know that he is A) A fucking bad guesser when estimating the number of people who think this way, B) Detached from the hobby entirely, C) a conceded dick with delusions of grandeur, and D) A person worthy of ritual torture by the Inagua tribe of Northern Zimbabwe (ouch!). Free stuff should not dilute the hatred and rage you develop. Bribes will not work. Fight the power.

Link to my anti-Beckett manifesto


  1. I don't give a fuck what they pull, giveaway, etc. I am just really disappointed at what a pathetic job Chris Olds has done on a once great blog, thanks to Eric.

  2. I would never buy anything associated with becket. I also refuse to use BV in any way as a messure of a cards value.

    It's bull that they recieve product that has been spiced up with extra nice hits. Hits that should have gone out to true collectors.

    If the card companies can control who gets the hits this might not be the only instance of it. They could spread the hits around where they see fit.

  3. Blah, I could care less about the blog.

  4. Still such venom. Have a great weekend.

  5. Actually, the Beckett blog is much better with Chris Olds writing it. He seems to stick to actual news.

    I am a little bit confused though over whether you're really against the practice of card companies sending out free cards, or just sending out free cards to people you don't like (e.g. Beckett) given some of your recent statements.

  6. Yeah Beckett sucks. Google it.

    "Beckett Sucks"

    Gellman- too funny great minds think alike. I saw your post right after I posted mine

  7. I'll take that under advisement.

  8. I am against Card Companies sending out cards to people who never further any type of normal sense of truth or ethics. I think Mario is actually quite ethical, and he does not have any bearing on Beckett's pricing. Beckett takes ad revenue from every company and does not present a fair picture of what to expect. Take a look at their history of breaks, or my history of articles. They also have the ability to change a pricing scheme in the hobby by changing the arbitrary prices in the magazine, something Mario does not. By doing this, the value of a product will increase, as will the sales.

    The only thing Mario does is provide information to people who read his blog. He cant change anything - at least deliberately.

  9. A thousand? Thats more than a "few people" Matt. Maybe the statements they publish can reflect that.

  10. I think you're conflating two different problems with Beckett: 1) the fact that they receive free boxes (which are often loaded) from the card companies, and 2) the fact that their pricing schemes are bullshit.

    I see why Beckett would artificially increase their list prices for a certain manufacturer if they're getting a lot of ad revenue from that manufacturer. But if Beckett gets a "pull of a lifetime" from a box sent by a manufacturer, why does that make them want to increase the price?

  11. You are right, its two arguments. I get harder to understand the more rage-a-hol I drink.

    However, that doesnt mean they are not inter-related.

  12. Just for reference, so I dont have to sit here re-doing all my arguments.

    My Entire Argument

  13. In the coin grading/valuing industry the leading companies don't allow the employees to collect coins as it could present an conflict of interest. It should be the same way with Beckett, they shouldn't be allowed to collect cards themself and all cards obtained by them free from card companies should IMO be raffled out to collectors in some way.

  14. Who really cares. Way too much time and energy on the same company. I do not lose any sleep over it. They do not have any affect on my Steeler collection ;)

  15. Their blog has taken a huge drop since Eric is no longer running it. The slide shows are no good and when asked about Chris threw his resume out to people as if that answers all questions. Eric brought a personality and a voice to the blog. Just my 2 cents.

  16. The blog's not that bad, but the title read my mind, I was saying to my wifey just this past saturday night how much I have always hated Keenan. Pohler for everything.
