Friday, July 25, 2008

Amazing B-Day Presents Pt 2

Yes, yes, I know I am acting like a total JC buy displaying all this stuff, but its my blog, and my birthday, and I can cry if I want to.

Because this present from my parents sure brought a tear to my eye:

Its going next to my authentic auto'ed Puckett bat on the wall. This is just the standard pic from the store that sells Mauer's stuff, but you get the picture.


  1. Hippo Birdies Two Ewe...

    How old are ya?

  2. I wish my parents were that cool.

    I don't even get meatloaf.

  3. Twenty-Six? Damn, you're a youngin' ain'tcha. Nice...

    I remember 26, barely. I recall having a second annual 25th birthday party, which wasn't NEARLY as well attended as my 25th.

    These days, now that I passed 35 (two years ago) I no longer even care about my birthday. It's just another reminder that I'm not getting any younger, and as the digits go higher and higher, my hairline recedes more and more.

    But Happy Day to you - enjoy it while you can!

  4. Happy Belated birthday! Mine is today (07/26) and I hit the big 34. So as the JC or Tracy from Beckett would say, "wow are birthdays are one apart so that makes it like a one of one huh! Cause your like 26 now and my birthday is on the 26"...LOL Just kidding~ Hope you have a good one and I wish I could get an Adam Lind signed Bat for my birthday (HINT- Fiancee of mine). Love the Mauer bat! That is pretty frickin sweet!
