Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2009 Bowman Chrome Is Live!

2009 Bowman Chrome is live, something that I have been waiting for a long time. I really like the design this year, and I think that as long as things look the way they did from the original set, this could be as good as Topps Chrome was.

I also see that they are using a weird almost ribbed look for her pleasure, not really sure why they didnt just go with the flat chrome. Regardless, these cards do look like a fun rip.


  1. That ribbing design is kind of painful to look at. I've never really liked the Bowman football line but to each his own.

  2. Bowman Chrome has always been one of my favorites, but now that you're taking the background out, this sort of feels a little like Finest. But it's hard to tell without having one in hand. I'm down for a rainbow set of Packers regardless. The refractors and just awesome.

  3. I shot you an email about that Madden Bowl thing, if you haven't already done it.

    My name is: RoyalStink Hole

  4. I feel that I would be collecting the chrome version of Bowman Draft if I get any of this Chrome stuff.

  5. The more of these I see on eBay, the more I like 'em.
