Monday, September 28, 2009

This Is Why I Stay Away From Bowman Sterling

I dont care what people say about the value of the card, this is one of the most poorly conceived cards of the year. Total and utter shit.

I think it would be 100% better just by removing the awfully placed swatch. I have no idea why they even thought this would be acceptable. Kind of like Sanchez is being sacked by the swatch and trying to get the ball off before he goes down.

For 250 dollars a box, ill pass. Wow.


  1. I love how you have man love for the players. Have to be full jersye. have to be with a helmet on in other posts. ALmost like a secret crush for a man in a football uniform ;) Just messin. Card is ugly. WHo am I? I love absolute the best set of the year so far IMO


  2. They should cut the shape of his jersey out of the photo and put the swatch in there. It would look stupid, but not this stupid.

  3. Yeah the placement of the swatch is horrible...

  4. It looks like he is holding a shield up to block.

    I am waiting for the card release where the entire card is a swatch and we look for a piece of the player photo to be included.

  5. I have one unopened pack in my hand. After reading your post I am truly terrified of what's inside.

  6. you guys act like this is a new concept to Sterling, its always been total poop.

  7. I take offense at the last comment. ;)

    Forgot how to link, but here is the site where I put together the gold set from last year. As I said in an earlier post, I think last year looked really classy. And the patches were nice. This year has no excuse.

  8. Last years gold sterling heel was great I agree. Gellman is just Gellman.

  9. Wheels, I know. Gellman and I have have a friendly feud about it. I think deep down inside, in places he would never talk about at parties, he thinks my set is the ACME Awesome Company.

    My only beef with them is the stickers and the no helmets. If they were on-card with helmets, they'd be darn near perfect.

    Whatever you think about them though, the fact that they took out that patch subset baffles me as it was the the best part of the product. And in my opinion, the best chase set of the year.
