Friday, August 28, 2009

The Industry and Integrity Are Mutually Exclusive Sometimes

Back in early 2008 I had my first conversation with Upper Deck football managers about the loaded Exquisite boxes that were sent to Beckett. Those boxes had birthed this site from the chaos, and I was going to show people what was behind the curtain of the hobby. The problem with my rage was that the top level people I spoke to at UD were incredibly understanding of the situation. They apologized for the frustration they had caused and told me that they would no longer be sending football boxes to Beckett any more. They had learned their lesson.

Since that time frame, only one football box has been sent to Beckett, an honest mistake as I was told at the time. Today, all of that ended in typical Panini fashion when Beckett received an EARLY box of 2009 Base Upper Deck. Not only had UD reneged on the one policy that none of us disliked, but they did so with a product that had not hit shelves yet. I was actually unaware of this until a very loyal reader pointed it out, and now I am feeling like its 2008 all over again. Im sure all of my haters out there love the fact that this is happening, but regardless of their personal relationships with UD's competition, its one of those things I expected to happen eventually.

A note before I move on. Over the last year, I have received quite a few reader emails asking about the absence of UD football boxes on Beckett's glorified "box breaks." Each one was happy to see that none were being done, and most were wondering if I was the reason. I can assure you that UD's policy was just as much me as it was the other hundred collectors who actually called into customer service after March 2008's Exquisite Break. They were just as angry as I was, and UD took the hint. Obviously those unhappy customers have lost their voice, but thankfully, I still have mine.

Personally, I want to know why I was lied to, along with the fifteen people who sent me emails today. All of us were told the same thing in 2008, and I think its quite poor decision making to go back on that. Our dissatisfaction with Beckett and their giant conflicts of interest havent changed, so why has the policy? Although I wouldnt put it past the douchebags over at Beckett to run crying to Carlin and the gang, I think its just as much the brass at the company, at least this time around.

A blogger said it best on the UD facebook page today, and I wholeheartedly agree. RA Dave from First and Goal said, "Beckett? Seriously? Wow, Upper Deck, I thought you were the one company that had grown a pair..." Really, as Mr. Dave has so eloquently said, its about doing something thats right rather than being a pussy and giving in to all the douchebaggery that has become a regular thing now. For close to a year and half, UD has been the one company that has risen to the top because they didnt have to stoop to Panini's level, and now Im fearing things are about to change.

Attached to this post, you will probably see a long fat joke filled thread about how UD has paid me to do all that I do, how I am trying to butter them up for something, and other shit like that from sad people who dislike the soapbox I have created. Even though I doubt think many of you fall for the diarrhea those people spout, I will say this. Blogging has never been more than just saying what you think, and since 2008, that is all that SCU was about. Based on that principle, all of those thoughts were infused into the writing on this site, most of the time mistaken for being in the company's pocket. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth, as my opinion has continued to take center stage without any fear of any retaliation from people in the industry. This has been something that the regular readers have very much appreciated, and has actually led to some pretty cool relationships with collectors from all over the world. The reason I mention this is two fold. First, those are the parts of this site that I value, not packs or wax or money from a company who doesnt care about the principle of distributing them. Second, its gotten to the point now where I expect the crap from industry insiders, and that should say something to everyone.


  1. More lies and BS. Give it up.

    You may fool most of these rubes, but you don't fool anyone who matters.

    You have zero integrity. Nothing you post on here carries any weight.

    My only reason for visiting is to call you out on it and to make sure as few people as possible believe your lies.

  2. AWWWW, so your little fantasy relationship with Upper Deck has finally been exposed. Yes, much like the guy who thinks the stripper "actually likes him", they just played you. Used you like a John to get back in the graces of collectors. You bought the implants, gave her the money and she ran off with the guy who has the bigger package. It's about FUCKING TIME you realize that you don't matter, no matter how you think you do. So, you and 15 - count em' - 15 other collectors where whored out. Shit, you better call the National Guard.

  3. More lies and BS. Give it up.

    Sorry, its not that easy. Im not sure what you think I am lying about.

    You may fool most of these rubes, but you don't fool anyone who matters.

    Im not trying to "fool" anyone. For the record, maybe the people that matter to me arent the people who matter to you.

    You have zero integrity.
    And how do you know this? From reading a few posts? I havent done anything to show you that I have or dont have integrity.

    Nothing you post on here carries any weight.

    You are right. But for the people who come and read, including you, it carries enough weight to incite your comment.

    My only reason for visiting is to call you out on it and to make sure as few people as possible believe your lies.

    I thought my posts carry no weight? If that were true, why is this necessary? I question your motives, sir. We dont even know who you are. At least I have the balls to stand in front of the firing squad.

  4. You have the balls? Are you serious? You hide behind your computer screen, spewing inaccurate garbage. Man, I sincerely hope you make it to Baltimore next year so that you can actually face all these people who you "rebel" against. Smart money says "something" will come up and you won't make it.

  5. How do I hide? Explain. You know who I am, you know what I look like, you can email me at will. I fail to see how that is hiding.

    Ryan you act like a scorned fifth grader 100% of the time on here. We all laugh at you, not with you. I have no problem having a discussion with you, but you have done nothing but show you are immature and incapable of reason.

  6. So what? Upper Deck changed their mind. Additionally, I'm sure the no boxes to Beckett was never an official policy of the company. Therefore, they have done nothing wrong but sending a box of their base product to Beckett. I would bet money, that box isn't loaded. It's really not that big of a deal.

    Oh and by the way, I would say my condolences to you for your "being betrayed," but you had it coming.

  7. Additionally, I'm sure the no boxes to Beckett was never an official policy of the company.

    If this was the case, why was this box the first since 2008 Masterpieces, and second since 2007 Exquisite? I would say thats a pretty clear policy, albeit unofficial.

    Oh and by the way, I would say my condolences to you for your "being betrayed," but you had it coming.


  8. I'll have a discussion with you, face-to-face, in Baltimore. We'll discuss it, like civil gentlemen. Post my second quote - don't hide.

  9. Why? So you can threaten my wife and say odd things about hookers and shit? Your arguments arent arguments. They arent even intelligible most of the time.

    So far, upon attack, all you have done is post your resume, instead of actually responding to points people make. Also, arguments that basically imply a "because I said so" type of mentality dont really show that you have anything upstairs. Or really anything to dispute the facts.

    If you think things are wrong, say why they are wrong instead of taking 10 lines to insult me. That doesnt work.

  10. Prove that I ever threatened you wife or you for that matter. Please prove it, please.

  11. How can I prove it to you? Its a comment I rejected more than a month ago. You only said that because you knew I cant actually go back and re-approve a rejected comment. try again.

  12. You are such a liar. Had I done that, you would've posted it in a nano-second to bolster your case. You are such a sniveling, two-faced liar, it's unbelievable. You are Upper Deck are made for each other.

  13. Sorry, when you say the things you did about my wife, I am not going to post it, regardless of the situation. That has always been the rule.

  14. But you have before? I'm confused. Which is it? You post it or you don't post it? You're so angry right now, it's hilarious.

  15. If you think I am angry, thats fine, I just dont really see how you can gather that from what I have posted.

    Either way, Ryan, you can really post here until you are blue in the face. All you give me is a daily laugh. Since I do that for you as well, I guess we are on the same page.

  16. I just don't understand the outrage.

    Why wouldn't UD send boxes to be reviewed by Beckett? And more importently why does that make you angry? I just don't get it?

  17. Kdubya, you are about a year too late to the party, but ill try my best.

    First, as the purveyor of the industry's most recognized price guides, they are presenting themselves as the pricing standard. The problem is, they take ad money, boxes, swag and product from the manufacturers. That is a huge conflict of interest.

    Then, whenever someone 1ups them on industry influence, they use their place to bully that influence away from the new voice - a la Mario from Wax Heaven.

    Also, back in 2007, they were sent a bunch of loaded boxes over the course of the year, some of which included a Joe Dimaggio cut auto 1/1, an Adrian Peterson 1/1 exquisite patch auto, a walter payton/brian piccolo dual cut 1/1, a brady quinn patch auto 1/1 national treasures, among about 10 other ridiculous pulls of a lifetime.

    The bottom line is that they have no responsibility to provide an accurate portrayal of the hobby, and present their material as if its not ad driven. However, Beckett has established visible public relationships with the card companies like Panini, which furthers the whole conflict of interest.

    The industry is all an old boys club full of people looking to make money. We are caught in the middle, and most collectors dont even know it.

  18. Ryan deserves his own theme of posts, a la badwax's "craigslist idiots." How, I don't know. But it has to be possible.

  19. There's definitely a conflict of interest by gving Beckett free boxes. Sure, everybody likes free stuff, but I don't understand why Beckett would want free stuff? They should buy their own boxes if they want to be credible.

    The thing is that I don't think Beckett considers themselves, or wants to be, a "Consumer Reports" for trading cards. It's their choice how they want to do business, but they definitely should not be surprised when they are called out on their practices. Whether they are being shady or not, getting free boxes definitely gives the appearance of shadiness and it really can't be denied.

  20. I'm glad someone appreciated my comment on Facebook...

  21. Wow this is a touchy subject I see. I mean I may not agree with 100% of the things you say but, you let me see things from a differnt perspective and thats what a blog is supposed to be about right?

  22. Gellman,

    Nice write up. I can say I am not surprised at all. As for Ryan you are a laughable little man with a complex about something. I will be in Baltimore and would love to be your huckelberry :) while having a nice civil conversation with you.


  23. I thought Ryan was going to go all internet tough guy. Bike racks, Inner Harbor, 2010! As to the issue, Beckett just doesn't get it. You can't grade, price, SELL cards, accept loaded freebies when it's an odds game in wax, and ignore major news to avoid losing said freebies and connections. While doing price guides is tough, it can be done, along with reporting news. That is a great position as a value to collectors, may not make much money though. Or, just grade cards, or just sell them and run ads for all companies. You cannot do all of them. This shouldn't be a surprise from Upper Deck, the loaded 07 Exquisite break is something I'll never forget, and a freakin case this year of BB Exquisite? Unreal.

  24. Wow! Man, all of the comments on this post were a hilarious read. Everyone knows this is a conflict of interest, but hasn't it pretty much always been that way? Beckett is ridiculous, and I don't think there are too many collectors out there who don't already know this. If anyone reading this happens to still think Beckett is "the shit", please kindly remove your head from the sand and have a look around.

    Oh, and "Ryan"... any time you'd like to have an "adult conversation", I am in Baltimore already, and waiting.

  25. I love it. You can't live without me now. My quotes and your responses are what drives this site. You need me now, we're inseperatable.

  26. haha yeah beardy will handle ryan in baltimore


  28. Gellman, Since I got back into the hobby Iv'e read your post and not agreed with everything you have said. I do think it's F'D up that UD did this and you seem to be the one getting hammered for it regardless you gave them an opportunity they screwed it up. I admire the honesty in your post. Iv'e never seen Ryan's comments before she's funny.. this "you need me now were inseperable" That's some creepy stalker sh** right there. Grant

  29. Thanks for the words of encouragement Grant.

    Iv'e never seen Ryan's comments before she's funny.. this "you need me now were inseperable" That's some creepy stalker sh** right there.

    We've established that he has a few screws loose.

  30. Wow!! This!! I don't understand why people are so angry.
