Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Signing Away Your Dignity

I want to know something, and hopefully someone can help me out. Where does Topps get those signatures that they facsimilie onto their base cards? Despite being totally unnecessary and lame, they are completely fucking wrong. I mean, do the players sign a little sheet of paper when they get drafted for all the companies to scan into their databases for all eternity?

Just look at this Mauer card from 2007:


I actually boycotted this card because Topps actually put the sig where he signed "Joseph P. Mauer" on the card instead of his normal sig. Can you imagine if everyone actually took that kind of time with their shit? What if Kirby Puckett signed his full name, Kirbitanius J. Puckett, Esq., on every card he ever had for Topps. Not only would it be too fucking funny, it would kind of be shoving his status as an esquire in our faces.

Either way, could someone let me know, please?


  1. The facsimile signatures come from their MLBPA contracts

  2. On the back of the Bowman cards it says that the signatures are from the player original (rookie) contract with Topps. It has said this since 1998. I don't know what they use for their other cards but I'd think they would use the same source.

  3. No wonder these sigs are so off. Most guys would use different sigs for contracts rather than autos.

  4. Since they are all under contract with the card companies anyway, would it really be that difficult to get them to auto some sort of template for the base cards?? Or here's an idea for Topps. Get rid of the facsimile sigs!! They make the cards look like shit anyway.

  5. They are on the Bowman cards too...WHY? No reason in hell would justify that.

  6. Since when did Kirbinatius Puckett become a lawyer?

  7. I've had my own player problems with this practice.
