Friday, March 5, 2010

Upper Deck Cancels Its Baseball Calendar

As expected due to the lawsuit, Upper Deck is out of baseball, at least for 2010. I just got a copy of an email from a distributor who had let me know that the four or so baseball products that UD was planning are no longer going to be available. This includes:

2010 Upper Deck Goudey Baseball
2010 Upper Deck SPX Baseball
2010 Upper Deck SP Authentic Baseball
2010 Upper Deck Exquisite Baseball

Although Exquisite isnt really a product, it was going to be included in all of the baseball products for the year. Sadly for a lot of the people who like quality high end products, all of these are done for the first time in almost a decade.

Listen, I get that there are a lot of people who HATE Upper Deck, but you have to admit that its pretty shocking to see a year go by without SPX and SPA baseball. Goudey was also a collector favorite that will not be produced, thus confirming how much collectors have really "won" per that uninformed and arrogant MLBP rep.

Regardless of how you feel about UD, its sad to see a year go by with no competition against Topps. So glad that products like the horrid high end sets they produce have no reason to get better. 2010 Triple Threads - Now more like 2009 Triple Threads! YAY!


  1. Well, it's not like anybody is going to shed a tear over losing SPX and SPA baseball this year. Last year's offerings were horrible, especially SP Authentic Baseball - gray sticker auto's?! They were horrid and the card design was crap. SPX wasn't much better, just a bunch of $5 jersey cards. Sorry, not going to miss those. However, I will miss Goudey. It was pretty awesome.

    BTW, does 2009 Ultimate and 2009 Signature even exist in UD's eyes? No mention of the two products on their website and no checklists. Another swing and a miss by UD.

  2. well maybe if they hadnt blatantly disregarded the rules then they wouldnt be in this situation!

  3. I heard they also canceled 2010 Upper Deck Draft Edition football for some reason.

  4. I'm going to miss Goudey, it's been one of my favorite sets since it came back out. The best part was the hard signed cards and not the silver crap stickers we are now stuck's to football products coming soon!

  5. I can't believe Goudey isn't coming back -- only for the fact it should be easy to do (since it could be done painted and not through photoshop manipulated photos) without violating the MLBP agreement.

  6. Yes, it's so sad for Upper Deck. Because Upper Derck firmly believes in competition - that's why they have the exclusive NHL license. Yep, that article is another example of Upper Deck's hypocrisy.
